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web design in winston salem

Natural Creations
Hardwood Floors

Natural Creations Hardwood Floors is a division of Burchette and Burchette Hardwood Floors, based in Elkin, NC. Burchette and Burchette is a third-generation family business that crafts heirloom-quality hardwood floors with impeccable workmanship. Working with architects, designers, builders and homeowners, they manufacture and deliver their luxury floors all across the United States. 

We created a modern, responsive website (their third website redesign with us during the past14 years!) that helps tell their brand story, convey the workmanship that goes into each and every floor, and showcase the amazing projects they have done all over the country—from Manhattan penthouses to Las Vegas luxury hotels to the National Gallery of Art in Washington, DC. 

Through the years, we have also created numerous catalogs, design portfolios, sample labels, magazine ads and other marketing materials.

Visit their website at: